“Blaney’s Blarney” Order

The High Court has granted its very first order allowing the serving of an injunction via Twitter.  It involves the blog called Blaney’s Blarney (donalblaney.com) and requires an unknown Twitter user anonymously posting under the same name -and so breaking the copywright and intellectual property rights of the blog’s owner – to stop posting and to immediately identify himself to the court.

Matthew Richardson, the barrister who obtained the order, has said : “The Blaney’s Blarney Order is a huge step forward in preventing anonymous abuse of the internet.  People have to learn that they can no longer hide behind the cloak of anonymity the internet provides and break the law with impunity.”

To read the article click on the following link:

Times On-line article

Author: guildfordlibrary

Librarian at Guildford