Summer update

Although maintenance work is continuing in the IT Rooms in the LRC, where additional PCs are being installed (Room 102 in the Denning Building is available to all students until the IT Rooms are re-opened), the Library is very much “open for business.”  We are currently operating vacation hours, and are open from 9am to 1 pm and from 2 until 5pm, Monday to Friday only.

If you pay us a visit you will notice some changes to the library layout and facilities. We have reorganised the arrangement of library stock, so that sets of all the main legal research resources are now shelved in the library (including the English Reports series.)  Within the library we have also considerably increased the number of  study desks at which laptop PCs can be plugged in.

For further posts about library changes, along with news about improvements currently being made to the library OPAC catalogue, please watch this space!

Author: guildfordlibrary

Librarian at Guildford